marissa.benedict [at]

︎︎︎December 2024 (Benedict and Rueter, 846.2 KB)



Marissa Lee Benedict (b. 1985, Palm Springs, CA, US) is a visual artist, writer, and lecturer. Stretching and scaling the grammars of official languages, systems, and architectures – from the infrastructures of water management to the logistics of laying fiber optic cable – her work draws across traditions of American land art, situational aesthetics, and expanded forms of institutional critique.

Benedict received an MFA in Sculpture from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, and has exhibited at venues such as The Renaissance Society at The University of Chicago, and the CUE Art Foundation (NYC); and, ︎︎︎in collaboration with artist David Rueter, at the US Pavilion as part of the 2018 Venice Architecture Biennale; at Contemporary Art Brussels; and at The Museum of Contemporary Photography at Columbia College, Chicago. Benedict recently exhibited the major collaborative work deposition (2018 – ) with Rueter and Daniel de Paula in the vão of the 34th São Paulo Bienal, supported by an ︎︎︎Individual Grant from the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts. She has participated in numerous national and international residencies, including the 2018-19 program at the ︎︎︎Jan van Eyck Academie (Maastricht, NL), and more recently ︎︎︎Rupert (Vilnius, LT),  ︎︎︎Nida Art Colony (Nida, LT), and the ︎︎︎Headlands Center for the Arts (California, US). Benedict and Rueter are currently based in Amsterdam (NL).

Related Links

2023︎︎︎ Rupert residency interview (Benedict and Rueter)

2022︎︎︎“Fear of Property” at the Renaissance Society, curated by Karsten Lund

2021 ︎︎︎“Smoke Signals,” Artforum review by Silas Martí

2021 ︎︎︎Benedict and Rueter for um trabalho um texto

2021 ︎︎︎Artist page for 34th Bienal de São Paulo

2021 ︎︎︎Project page for the Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts

2019 ︎︎︎Unthought Environments catalog

2019 ︎︎︎The Pit Call, Giulio Squillacciotti

2018 ︎︎︎Unthought Environments, Artforum review

2018 ︎︎︎Unthought Environments, interview with Karsten Lund and Giovanni Aloi

2015 ︎︎︎Agenda Magazine.BE review