Metrica, Marissa Lee Benedict and David Rueter, 2023 
︎︎︎ PDF (link; 4.6 MB)        ︎︎︎Exhibition link (Earth Bonds, Rupert, 2023)        ︎︎︎ PDF of exhibition take-away (link; 1.2 MB)

deposition, Marissa Lee Benedict, Daniel de Paula, David Rueter, 2018 - (ongoing) 
︎︎︎ PDF (link; 4.5 MB)        ︎︎︎Exhibition link (34th Bienal de São Paulo, 2021)       
︎︎︎Mousse Publishing (2023)

lâmina, Marissa Lee Benedict and David Rueter, 2021
︎︎︎Video documentation (link)        ︎︎︎ text by João Paulo Quintella (2021, PDF; link)        ︎︎︎ Exhibition link (2021, um trabalho um texto)

Dark Fiber, Marissa Lee Benedict and David Rueter,  2014 - 2023 (ongoing)
︎︎︎ PDF (link; 5.4 MB)      ︎︎︎ Video excerpt (link; 02:48 min)        

under cover of a solid object, Marissa Lee Benedict, Daniel de Paula, David Rueter, 2022
︎︎︎Fear of Property exhibition link (The Renaissance Society, 2022)

Repose, Marissa Lee Benedict, Daniel de Paula, David Rueter, 2020
︎︎︎PDF (link; 2.8 MB)        ︎︎︎ Exhibition link (The Arts Club of Chicago)

A Line, A Mollusk, Marissa Lee Benedict, David Rueter, 2021
︎︎︎ PDF (link; 6 MB)        ︎︎︎ Exhibition link (Ditch Projects)

Department of Water and Power, Marissa Lee Benedict and David Rueter, 2019
︎︎︎ PDF (link; 2.6 MB)        ︎︎︎ Video documentation (link)

untitled (condensation bottle), Marissa Lee Benedict, David Rueter, 2018 – (ongoing)
︎︎︎ PDF (link; 2.1 MB)